First it was a visit to the post office,then to the telephone office.In the past these offices have been places so depressing that one would avoid them as far as possible.Dust everywhere,files creating walls instead of cubicles and people with attitudes to match.If any work got done it was between tea breaks,lunch breaks and so on.
Obviously competition makes a big difference.The BSNL office was actually air conditioned,they could process my request online,people were polite and took time to answer questions.They actually asked us if we had feedback and what not.
The post office was even better,air conditioned,all the women in uniform and counters well marked.Obviously the competition from courier companies and the email makes for a change in attitude and environment.
One thing though hadn't changed.Every woman worth her salt in both offices was loaded with jewellery.I counted a minimum of four gold chains each in varying weights and sizes,bangles that could make enough sound to qualify for an orchestra.As many rings as there are fingers and earrings glittered all around.
The jewellery market is obviously in the pink of health and will continue to be so provided these woman continue in government offices.
That brings me to the next topic.All of them had enough money to buy all the things that their counterparts in other offices could but the priority here was jewellery.Was it peer pressure or just the way of society.We talk of socio economic class,defined by household income and education but what we fail to put emphasis on is that socio economic class goes beyond household income and education.It has so much more to do with the kind of environment that one grows up in,the choice of schools and colleges,the work environment and the exposure to society in general.All things being equal,the environment hold the key.That really is what makes people different and that is the key to targeting,marketing and reach.Numbers are just that,indicators.
tea gardens

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Attitude that kills
When people talk of attitude,Ive often wondered what they meant until I found it myself.Everything finally is about attitude.It dictates ones life,the course of ones thoughts and the well being of ones mind.Its such a dangerous weapon that it can destroy as it can heal.Double edged sword if any.
Today as in the many years of my life I have been battling a negative attitude.I can see it destroying a person I love and I am helpless because like I ve discovered the path of ones life is in ones own mind.
Trying to see the good things in life is not easy but believing that everyone else has it good and its only me with a sad life is looking at life in a jaded form.Doesn't it occur to people that human beings are individuals and have to exercise that right.When you fail to count blessing and can only look at the so called bad things,when you refuse to believe that you can change the course of your life in however small a measure,then that attitude can slowly destroy ones core and no one,simply no one can help with that.I realised that trying to break down this wall of negativity was pointless at this point.Either I don't know how to deal with it or I don't think its important anymore.Perhaps its true that a leopard cant change its spots but negativity can spread,its infectious and I have every reason to keep my distance from it.
Today as in the many years of my life I have been battling a negative attitude.I can see it destroying a person I love and I am helpless because like I ve discovered the path of ones life is in ones own mind.
Trying to see the good things in life is not easy but believing that everyone else has it good and its only me with a sad life is looking at life in a jaded form.Doesn't it occur to people that human beings are individuals and have to exercise that right.When you fail to count blessing and can only look at the so called bad things,when you refuse to believe that you can change the course of your life in however small a measure,then that attitude can slowly destroy ones core and no one,simply no one can help with that.I realised that trying to break down this wall of negativity was pointless at this point.Either I don't know how to deal with it or I don't think its important anymore.Perhaps its true that a leopard cant change its spots but negativity can spread,its infectious and I have every reason to keep my distance from it.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Our neighbour-our focal point

Morning activity starts around five in the morning,the place is swept and washed and breakfast is on the fire ready for the old lady to get out of bed.At round seven thirty she is out sitting in her favourite chair watching the world go by.One might wonder whats so unusual about all this.The point is that she is our neighbour and our lives are inexplicably linked to hers.No conversations pass between us,no talk at all but we have a direct view of her home and all her activities.
I can remember her from her pattu saree days.She was the most dreaded figure on the street,from vegetable man to street dog no one messed with her.Over the years with ill health and years passing by the pattu saree has given way to a night dress.On occasions when she goes out a dupatta goes on.On the rare occasion that a wedding has to be attended the pattu saree comes out.
Our day begins with watching her,its habit to see her sitting there and doing her thing.To all our guests she is a focal point.Everyone who has at some point stayed with us will enquire about her if she is missing from her post.Two days ago we didn't see her,the house was locked and there was no sign of activity.The next day she was missing again.A pall of gloom descended over our household.Somehow the thought of not seeing her was like a vacuum.Considering we have known her for over thirty odd years(having lived on the same street) but have never bothered to so much as say hello,I find it rather strange.The anxiety was heightened by the fact that too many of her children were around and everyone had grave faces.
Finally I cornered the daughter in law and found out that she was in hospital .My concern was quickly brushed aside by the daughter in law who claimed that the hospital would be more than glad to send her home(she had been yelling at all the staff and generally throwing her weight around)and that she was certain that the old lady would be home before we knew it.She added that she was a witch so there was no need for me to loose sleep over her.Well she ought to know considering she lives with her.
This morning right as rain,she was up and about,yelling at her son to fetch and carry for her like nothing had changed.She is 90 years old and I hope she lives to be a hundred,because in her I see my own mortality(her eldest son continues to fetch and carry and put up with here constant yelling and I doubt if he will thank me for this post).
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Small gods and temples

It started like most of them do as a small idol of a Hindu god.One can find them on most street corners in the city.It remained so for many years with the few people of that area coming stopping by to offer a few flowers and once in a while a chat with an otherwise bored priest.
It is the story of our temples that their beginnings are small but over a period of time the religious sentiments of the local people get the better of them and the contributions increase.With that comes the need for a bigger temple,so an altar gets built which is followed by one more idol and before one is aware a big temple has come up.
This morning I realised that the god that sat at the corner near the electricity building had evolved into a large temple and had occupied the road corner with no thought of how they were obstructing traffic or if the temple had encroached on the road.I wonder if the Chennai corporation gave permission for the additional structures.I believe the money came from the people who patronise this new temple but could a church or a mosque have gotten away with it?.Wouldn't the politicians go up in arms of how we were converting the locals into our religion(never mind that adults cant be forced into anything).Its unfair and unethical to have constructions (temple or no temple) go up in places without any planning.The irony of it is that all the revenue is tax free,and god forbid anyone raised an objection.There would be hell to pay and the majority religion would be supported by the local fanatics to make a fuss until it became a national agenda.I wondered if the gods were laughing at our foolishness.After all do Gods need a home built by us mortals?.
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