tea gardens

Friday, December 20, 2013
Smart gadgets and me
I am what you would call a late learner so while my friends were all into the latest phone that money can buy,there I was with no mobile phone at all,simply because I thought it intrusive. However technology caught up with me and I was forced to get one,I went for style and utility and was happy for a while until the phone gave up. Obviously long term relationships and phones don't go together. One is I am told expected to change ones phone with every new model that comes into the market. I then got a hand me down phone from my sister which seems to serve the purpose rather well,or until such time as phones became not just phones (no one seems to make simple phone calls anymore),but came with "whatsap"and social net works and all manner of facilities that let people send photographs and messages for free,call all across the world for free and there I am still not up to all the changes. My friends and the husband tried convincing me to get a new smart phone but somehow the thought of a phone trying to be smarter than me doesn't quiet go down well with my way of thinking. Also the thought of peering in to a small screen is not something I want to do when even large print is an issue. So I settled for an iPad . Now all my friends were well into their third and fourth generation iPads and I was still reading physical books and using an out of date laptop. On holiday I still used a camera to take pictures while the whole world and his uncle took pictures on iPads and uploaded them for all the world to see in real time. I waited for an iPad that suited me. Not for me the thick heavy ones.....so I waited patiently till they launched and iPad air and then bought it right away. Having an ardent apple fan in the family helped,also the fact that Apple made gadgets that require no thinking to use. They obviously do all the thinking ahead and all I have to do is follow instructions. So while most people are using their gadgets to make high tech presentations and review sales figures here I am planning a Christmas party using formats already on the iPad,I am writing more simply because it's handy and I am not chained to a desk. The iPad is most often than not,in my kitchen,recipes are read,downloaded and there I am using it as much as I can. I am convinced of course that I am headed for early Alzheimer's as thinking seems to have taken a back seat and my brain cells are probably dying a slow death but for the moment this gadget is doing a good job and I can't say how happy I am that I didn't fall for the smart phone trap. And while I may not find my way around as easily as my younger nephews and nieces do,I am getting there as usual at my own pace and my own rules after all I have lived my life on my terms thus far so why let a gadget decide otherwise
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