My memory fails me or is it that nothing earth shattering happened. Well it was an ordinary year. Thanks however are not always when bells ring and the earth shakes,everyday is a blessing and the fact that all of us stayed healthy albeit the small blips . That the mother was able to visit her daughter in her new house however painful thee journey was and however uncomfortable she was to be taken away from her comfort zone. The time spent with great grand children and grand children. The many times when my mother and I were home alone and had long discussions on life and times gone by. For he stimulating conversations the husband and I had,for the little outings we take even if it's just grocery shopping but is time spent with each other and therefore special. For the many school friends who connected again and for the meeting we planned and had fun at. For the joys that come of a shared childhood. For new friends made and new beginnings. For the little everyday miracles. Ofcourse the sorrows of loosing old friends,the shared sadness of other people's unhappiness and inability to go forward. For the challenge and goals,some achieved and some which drove me demented. For friends who enriched our lives and some sadness at relationships ending. To be able see beyond my limited experiences and to take life in my stride. For answers prayers and prayers that are still said and above all for realising that there is a god above who knows better than me what is good for me even through I can't for the life of me see his logic but nevertheless can be thankful for.
This is my thanks for the year that was thus far.