tea gardens

tea gardens

Monday, April 06, 2015

Fear is the key

Fear is a slow emotion that creeps up on us much like weight gain. With the advent of social media and the ever loud 24/7 news channels news is all pervasive entity. Unfortunately it's never good news it's just a constant dose of violence and bad news that we can't get away from. Some may call it change and perhaps it is that but over time it leads to anger that gives way to despair and then to insecurity. Sadly insecurity breeds fear. 
Gone are the days when I walked fearlessly on the road,now I look over my shoulder constantly. Now driving is no longer pleasure it's stressful one is never sure who will box you in or who will give in to road rage. Gone are the days when boys and men were good friends and uncles and friends dads were just that. Today everyone is viewed with suspicion. The pat on the head,a bear hug have all been robbed of their innocence.
Old age was a time to enjoy the fruits of ones labor but today old people are victims robbed for their wealth,preyed upon for their vulnerability.
In this atmosphere of a changing world fear grew like a weed,slowly strangling me of my confidence.
I always faced the world on my terms,learnt to survive in a cutthroat world,I juggled many hats,bore many stresses,survived as a brave and confident woman. The age like fear crept up and before I knew it it was there like a shadow, lurking in the background waiting for a vulnerable moment waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting soul. It started with the small thing ,a few small mishaps in the car,a fe small mistakes in the kitchen,small things that could have become large issues,and then the questions start,then the small voices whisper,they ask if you're loosing it, maybe your not as sharp as before,perhaps it's a sign of things to come. It's only a matter of time before fear has won and you are reduced to a shadow of your former self and the choices are limited. Face the world and overcome fear or withdraw from the world to the safety of ones own world.  That critical choice will determine ones sanity and quality of life. Sadly it's a choice we all have to make sooner than later