For starters I have become cynical ( not that I wasn't before). Everyday television and newspapers give me bad news,news of brutality towards women,the sick the old and the minorities,stories of violating ones fundamental rights,news of technology taking over our lives,of not having time for people,of killings with no remorse.....haven't I said enough. When my 80+ mother laments the fate of the world,I join her in her lament ( I didn't do this a few years ago), sadly the world has changed.
Now for the good bits,it's the joys of growing old....I can for instance become a frump when I feel like it,can boss people around and most of them would put up with me (though now even age is not respected),I can live life not being answerable to anyone for my bad behaviour. The senior citizens discount is still not mine but I shall wait for it patiently.
My current joys are all related to food and gardening. My dreams are not nightmares but big succulent steaks of beef or juicy bacon and I wake up hungry and head to the kitchen. Ofcourse there is some remorse every time a mirror does what it does best,sometimes with a bit of exaggeration,but one doesn't have to look at mirrors does one?. The weighing scales are not reading right anymore but who cares,why invest money just to be told that one is fat,after all don't I have eyes to see?
All the old childhood friends have reappeared into my life and it's with great joy that memories are shared and experiences exchanged.
Once in a little while I return to a time when I was all about grooming and being smart,once in a while I remember that wit and humour were my forte but for now I am happy to slip into the twilight playing mind games on my phone( that's to keep my mind active I am told). Silly me has a long way to go but I have always loved drama and why not indulge in some on the eve of a threshold.