April is the cruelest month according to T S Elliot and in more ways than one it is true for me to. In march I gave myself a holiday from exercise and let me tell you it was great fun to be lazy,to sleep late into the morning to eat at will and generally do nothing but at my age even good things have to end or the actual end may come faster then I am prepared for. It's just a week into April and I have been exercising every day,yoga,swimming and cutting down on the eating. There are two delicious slabs of halwa waiting to be eaten in fact begging to be eaten but I have ignored them and left them in the fridge. One is being donated to an elder sister who has endless guests so my guilt is taken care of. I have kep a diary of all that I eat and am cutting down on my favourite rice. Now the heat and dust of an Indian summer is well and truly here and like every year I actually hope that all my fat melts but it never happens so I drink fruit juice and sweat it out,not because I have to but simply because I live in a city which has probably the hottest summers ever. It's humid and miserable and enough to dampen more than just the soul but the flip side is that one is forced to do all the exercising in the early morning which leaves one the whole day to do other things and one big chore is out of the way. I have stayed away from the weighing scales as they have a nasty habit of giving me the wrong figures though they are always right about the husbands weight. The big bonus this month is that I have had to give up my exercise buddy but found that the husband was actually willing to replace her for a month so obviously the gods are against me too....no excuse for the wicked I say.
Much as I love to crib the point is that I am secretly enjoying myself. The water in the pool is warm and washes over me like a blanket. I can swim before sunrise and beat the heat too. My yoga class is also going well and it's nice to have company from home as I don't even have to drive the car to class this month. The husband is exercise buddy and chauffeur this month,what bliss.
All this because my body mind and should do not see eye to eye. The pull in different directions and I can't get them to be friends and like typical enemies they are constantly pulling each other down with me caught in the middle.....but what they don't realise is that they have no choice but to stick with me so there I am going to teach them who is the boss . This is only week one and if I can keep this up the entire week well that's mission impossible accomplished