I am not a great fan of corporate hospitals or the catholic church.Corporate hospitals simply because I cant understand how one can make money on someones ill health.Wasn't medic an meant to help mankind.The catholic church because in my opinion they are rather outdated,and ritualistic.
In the last few weeks however I have had to review my opinion on both.
Looking after old parents at best of times is taxing,especially when one has a full time job.Looking after them in sickness is worse.So in despair I searched the local news papers for agencies that would provide a nurse for a short time.Except for loosing money to some tall promises nothing materialised.I then discovered Unique Health services run by the Apollo Hospitals.They actually has a service that one can become a member with and they would provide a trained nurse and doctor on call.Sceptical at the best of times,I decided that I had no option and paid up the fee.The doctor arrived and the nurse followed.When they told me she was 22,I was most worried,but the result of the experience left me well and truly hooked.Here was a nurse who was trained,college educated and well equipped to handle old people with care and patience.Half my stress disappeared.Of course this facility comes at a price that few of us can afford full time but then it is a service with possibilities.
The nurse left and my search for a companion for the old folk started.Agencies are a dime a dozen but each one as unreliable as the other.Huge fees,advances and unorganised they can get ones stress levels to an all time high.Till a friend suggested a church.Not being a regular church goer myself,I wondered if this was yet another agency and sent my sister to check it out.Looks like the catholic church gets something right.They have over the years housed many services which cater to the larger interests of the family,be it counsellors,priests or housemaid and companions.The service is efficient,accepts payments by cheque and their follow up is superb.Besides which they make no tall promises.The local St Lukes church runs this service called Sneha Deepam.
It may be too early to take a judgement call on both but Chennai is a great place for medical care and options and people remain to some extent honest
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