So much is happening in the city all of a sudden,to begin with I have started getting two new papers at home now as against the one of many years.Do I really need two?.No of course not,but sometimes one keeps ones friends happy so when a subscription was trust on me I agreed graciously.Of course having got two pretty nice looking travelling bags(I was entitled to only one but on must never look a gift horse in the mouth and all that...)I cant afford to complain.
Now I have certain issues with this new paper.I for one know that I am getting on in years,so while I do colour my hair and huff and puff valiantly at the gym,I am not so keen to be reminded day in an day out of the fact.So when this new paper uses font so small and insists on filling up every available space with print then it kind of gives me a headache and the need to grab not just reading glasses but also the magnifying glass.So i read the head lines instead.
The other point of all this is that this news paper gives a lot on diets and fads(i think one need to fill up space and that not easy)and unfortunately every nice food under the sun seems to be taboo.Then for days on end they went on and on about the bad drinking water that this city provided.Honestly anyone with a wee bit of common sense knows that,but can we do anything about it(I mean its fine to boil and strain it but what else).Well the paper has no answers either(but this paper doesn't claim to change public opinion so that's forgivable).
The third point is that the paper is so full of information(please note i don't call it news) that one wonders if all of it is necessary and like many of its fellow publications there is a lot on glamour,the pretty young thing ,the party hopper and the same old celebrities(wannabe types).So all in all I am certain I don't need it,but the bags were a huge draw and like I said I like my friends so one continues to get it ....for older people like me more visuals would have done the trick and if its aimed at the dumb young thing then does all this copy work?....hey you bet it does,read it and you will understand,this is information of the kind that is of so little value to the likes of me but of abundant value to the 15+ young cheers to news i don't need to know.
tea gardens

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