tea gardens

Saturday, June 21, 2014
Heat and dust
Told myself that obsessive behaviour is the first sign of boredom and that I would never succumb to it but then again I do tell myself a lot of things and not being one to practise what I preach,I tend to disregard all my own advice. The thing is I hate summer and the heat. Till a few years ago my faithful thermometer which I unfailingly picked up in different countries as souvenirs (but all of which worked to some degree....) was all I had to measure temperature and laziness prevented me from actually checking so in blissful ignorance I lived out my life in the heat and dust and complained but never got obsessed by it. The I found technology and my innocent hatred of the heat became an obsession. I check all weather websites every five minutes in the hope that the temperature has dropped. Much like people who start their morning with prayer or reading the bible I start my day checking temperature. All my conversations are about the weather. All my status updates are about weather. I am beginning to sound like a stuck record with my constant mourning about the weather and despite being aware of it I much like an alcoholic just can't seem to get over it. I have taken to hiding inside my house behind thick curtains terrified of the heat,me who couldn't pass a day without going out even if it was just to check out the fish prices or the meat available. Now obsession takes many forms and it's symptoms are varied so here are mine....I drink gallons of water,take a few showers a day despite the water being hot then I suffer in silence for a few hours under a fan and when night arrives I dive into an air conditioned room and hope to get a good nights sleep. I feel guilty when I am too lazy to water my plants, haven't planted a single vegetable (now that is good sense as nothing will grow in this heat) and my only conversation s are about the heat. Now even the blog is full of weather. Never understood what it was about the British that they were so obsessed by the weather but now I know. Unfortunately not all my family and friends are on the same page so to speak so the husband is quick to cut a conversation short when the topic shifts to the temperature of the day....the only thing not affected by the current obsession is my appetite . I continue to eat well and look forward to cooking up and experimenting with food despite my hot house of a kitchen but like all addicts to a cause I find my way around the hot kitchen and tend to make enough food every evening. Unfortunately the predictable temperature day in and day out is robbing the obsession of its novelty factor and soon very soon I may find something else to obsess about but until then boy is it hot.
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