jan of 1967 when I was ushered into Doveton corrie . Bothe my elder sisters where already in school and I was starting there for the first time. Having been home schooled until then and my interaction with other kids being minimal,it was a scary day. My elder sister accompanied me to my class room which was on the ground floor near the staff room. The class teacher was Mrs Carr. It looked like I was the only new child in the class. All the others had been in nursery together and having no clue what nursery was I blinked at the children and waited. It was time for assembly and as my sister was in senior school,she had to leave me to be looked after by Mrs Carr. Honestly the thought of being alone with all those children who stared at me was enough to set me off. I threw an almighty tantrum and tore up the wooden stairs to senior school much to the mortification of my two sisters and to the astonishment of Mrs Felix who was principal at that time. If I though the children were scary,one look at Mrs felix's face was enough to send my world crashing. My sister caught between wanting to help and having to face the wrath of the principal,was naturally hesitated about coming to my rescue. Having to face a roomful of senior girls when one is six and home schooled,is believe me the most traumatic moment in a child's life. I bawled my lungs out threw myself on the floor and screamed like there was no tomorrow while the whole school watched in helpless fascination. Then came Mrs Carr to the rescue. Gentle,loving and beautifully calm she gathers me up in her arms took me to the staff room or I think it was the staff room (it was under the stairs to the left) and plied me with sweets and comics. Not ready to trust anyone besides my mother,she nevertheless lulled me into a happy state,regaled me with stories made school seem like a happy adventure and made me feel safe again. To this day I firmly believe that if Mrs Carr wasn't around,I would never have got an education. I hero worshiped her,she was my world. I cried when she was no longer my class teacher but if ever I had to list the people who influenced my life she would be number one. To a frightened six year old she was everything and more and nothing can compare to what she meant to me. I will always remember her face even if I forget a lot of others and to me she will forever remain one of the best memories of my days in school.
tea gardens

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