tea gardens

tea gardens

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My little hub of activity

When I chose to move to a part of the city where I had spent the better part of my childhood,it was just a whim.It also is a nice place with parks and narrow roads and where a lot of people know me.Today I realised why this move is so significant.
The place is no fancy address but the kind of facilities that exist are far better than anyplace else and I for one wouldnt trade it for anything else.
Looking for nursing service and I find that there is a nurse close to where I live,willing to provide nursing care and make regular house visits herself.Ask her why and how she got into the business and she tell me of personal tragedy that made her take it up.For 13 years she has been a nurse,triggered by the fact that her son is mentally unstable thanks to a hospital giving him the wrong drug.I admire her spirit.Where one would normally feel sorry for oneself and despair she took the opportunity to take a course in nursing to provide care for the child.Then she realised that there were many people who needed care and it became her bread and butter.Today she has nurses for home care in and around where I live.
Ambulance service...just 100 yards from where I live there is something called a flyinng squard(my sister finds the spelling error,she being an English teacher,but I suspect that the error is intended)We meet the chap who runs it and realise that his dad was a taxi driver who transported the sick and dying in his taxi.The son while helping his dad,took the business to the next level,he invested in ambulance vans,medical equippment and now has a twenty four hour service of emergency care.He plans to upgrade the business to include funeral service and home care.
We needed a hospital cot and not knowing how much it cost or where to get it,we called a service....you guessed right,right there a few streets from where I live.Within a couple of hours he had delivered all that we needed and we had found one more link in the chain.
Having done all that I needed transport to take some old furniture to my place from my moms place and where do I find the service.Yes once again it was a few streets away in one large slum near my house.The slum provides most of us with housemaids and cooks and by the looks of it(especially if the person is from Bombay)the slum is pretty affluent.One call to an otherwise useless husband of my maid and he arrives with an entourage of his friends and my work is done.
I never for once thought that the place I live in had so much to offer.Its a hub of activity of all kinds and if it started as a whim,its most certainly turned out to be a great investment in more ways than one.


At 9.30 pm I am exhausted and feel like I have run a thousand miles.Not surprising considering even I didnt expect to accomplish all that I finally did.
Circumstances have been such that I have learnt to live one day at a time and not think or plan for tomorrow.Yesterday the doctors threw up their hands and told me that I would have to take my father home,except that it came with conditions.full time nurse,attendent day and night,feeds through the tube and completely bed ridden.Our home is on the first floor and there is no life,my mom is hardly in a state to handle such pressure.Pushed against a wall I had no choice but to swing into action.
On sunday I was a hysterical mess,not sure if I could handle all this,completely broken,but yesterday I put it all behind me.Told myself that there were people in worse situations and that I had to get on with it.So the leader in me got into the act.The elder sis was deputed to hospital duty and prayer(this she did on her own and it worked wonders).
I first found a nursing service,then a supplier of hospital cots(he never understood why I called it a bed and I was in no mood to argue),then a cleaner(who didnt turn up so we ended up doing it ourselves)Finally a 24 hour ambulance service.
I am not sure how I kept my cool but I did and right now I am feeling rather proud of my self