tea gardens

tea gardens

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Smart technology

I belong to a generation that grew up playing in the sun,visiting friends homes at holidays,writing letters to each other because we didn't have access to telephones let alone smart phones. Our childhoods were spent eating mothers home cooked meals,we had friends we shared our lives with,had petty quarrels with ,we stopped talking to each other ,we we're mean to each other and despite all that we learnt with each new low,how to appreciate each high. We remained friends even when our loves changed.
College years were spent on public transport and all research was done in libraries . We didn't know google search. We shared,we liked and poked and commented but all of them were different from what they stand for now. Apple for us was a fruit and still is.
We grew up and had to adapt to changes,and we did. Today I watched a video of a man lamenting his lost life thanks to social media,aps and devices and I felt sorry for him . Today my generation is active on Facebook,whatsap and we use smart phones and tablets,but our friends are all people we know,they are all people we like and have a relationship with,our smartphones are used to stay in touch with families, or in the rare instance when we are lost,we may use maps,only and only if there is no human being around. We make eye contact and today I still email my friends on holidays and emotions not like are shared. We support each other. Some of us have been away for years and have made contact again and it's the real friendships which are reflected on our Facebook pages. I am the first one to appreciate smart technology but I know my generation will never become a slave to it. I watch people today meeting for coffee and no conversations take place because all of them are on their phones and then I look at my group,we may have just had a conversation on the phone but we meet again because we have so much more to share,so much more to talk about. My generation is very lucky we have had the best of both worlds and to us relationships are what matter.

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